Self Resolve Your Matter

Automated Matter Resolution & Assessment Tool | Get Help Where Needed

The only tool you will need to resolve your dispute.

Use this amazing new software to manage your claim and achieve a settlement.'s FREE! No catch, just a great way for you to achieve resolution!

How It Works

1. Start your claim

Create your free account and submit the claim form.

2. Complete Assessment

Complete your Dispute Resolution Assessment.

3. Negotiate

Use the negotiation facility to make offers.

4. Agree outcomes

Accept the terms of your agreement.

5. Get Heads of Terms

We'll email you your Heads of Terms.

Solutions for every situation (find out more below)

  • Small Claims

    Sometimes all you need is to recover a small amount. Perhaps you have lent money, or a service has been provided to a lower than expected standard. It’s more about the principle than the sum. It’s too expensive to instruct a lawyer to manage this for you and the only option seems to be to start a money claim in the Court. 

    The respondent will not engage with you, and you don’t want to have another conversation. It’s hard to know where to start and how to resolve this but you know it’s not right to let it go.

    The Self Resolve tool allows you to start your claim and invite the Respondent to engage with the process. You do not need to contact each other directly and the portal will share information to help you negotiate a result. 

    When you have agreed your terms, the portal will create your Heads of Terms and circulate these for you to both sign. 

    The best bit – you have not spent a single penny! And, of course, if you need professional help to talk about outcomes or make a decision for you, our team of professionals is here. 


  • Between Neighbours

    Noise, parking, access infringement, and smells are some of the core issues that lead to neighbours falling out. There’s usually no cost to the claim but the continuing behaviour is causing stress and preventing you from enjoying your own home. 

    If you have a property manager, you may have someone to turn to for help. However, most people do not or their property manager doesn’t have the resources to deal with the issues effectively. Court doesn’t seem like the best place to fix this as it is expensive, takes time, and the legal fees can quickly escalate. 

    It’s hard to know where to start and how to resolve this but you know you it’s not right to let it go.

    The Self Resolve tool allows you to upload all the relevant details about the issues and what has happened. We will invite your neighbour to engage with the process. You do not need to contact each other directly and the portal will share information to help you negotiate a result. 

    When you have agreed your terms, the portal will create your Heads of Terms and circulate these for you to both sign. You can also agree some formal steps such as mediation, talking through your issues, or have someone make a decision for you, if needed. 

    And, of course, if you need professional help to talk about outcomes or make a decision for you, our team of professionals is here. 


  • For Business

    Unpaid invoices or breaches of contract, or lease and licensing issues can all be detrimental to a small business. The cost of fixing it may also be out of reach too. How do you get paid or fix the breach? 

    The Self Resolve tool provides a substantive opportunity for you and the Respondent to agree the terms for resolution. We will invite the Respondent to engage with the process. You do not need to contact each other directly and the portal will share information to help you negotiate a result. 

    When you have agreed your terms, the portal will create your Heads of Terms and circulate these for you to both sign. You can also agree some formal steps such as mediation, talking through your issues, or have someone make a decision for you, if needed. 


  • In the Workplace

    Staff fallout can be difficult to manage in the workplace and grievances are time and resource heavy. Sometimes there is not enough time, resource or capacity to deal with the issues in-house. It’s too expensive to engage with professionals to fix these but something needs to be done to improve moral and productivity. 

    The Self Resolve tool provides a platform for co-workers to understand issues and agree practical outcomes which they can implement in the workplace. One of the advantages of this tool for co-workers is that resolution can be done at a time that suits rather than taking up working hours. 

    When they have agreed their terms, the portal will create Heads of Terms and circulate these for them to sign. They can also agree some formal steps such as mediation, talking through issues, or have someone make a decision on their behalf, if needed. 


  • Housing Issues

    Landlords and Tenants need each other but it’s never great when things go wrong. If end of tenancy issues, unpaid rent or other matters are causing problems, it’s important to resolve these quickly. 

    Whilst it may be one of your initial thoughts, making a claim in court doesn’t seem like the best place to fix these issues as it is expensive, takes time, and the legal fees can quickly escalate. 

    The Self Resolve tool allows you to upload all the relevant details about the issues and what has happened. We will invite the Respondent to engage with the process. You do not need to contact each other directly and the portal will share information to help you negotiate a result. 

    When you have agreed your terms, the portal will create your Heads of Terms and circulate these for you to both sign. You can also agree some formal steps such as mediation, talking through your issues, or have someone make a decision for you, if needed. 


  • Between Family Members

    Family members need each other but sometimes money, childcare, education, work, and other issues get in the way. If you have fallen out and need support to find a way forward without engaging with expensive professionals and want to avoid court, our Self-Resolve tool provides you with a real opportunity to do this.  

    The Self Resolve tool allows you to upload all the relevant details about the issues and what has happened. We will invite the Respondent to engage with the process. You do not need to contact each other directly and the portal will share information to help you negotiate a result. 

    When you have agreed your terms, the portal will create your Heads of Terms and circulate these for you to both sign. You can also agree some formal steps such as mediation, talking through your issues, or have someone make a decision for you, if needed. 


Helping you negotiate - the Dispute Resolution Assessment

Complete the online Dispute Resolution Assessment and we will help you understand your position and how you want to proceed to achieve settlement.

Get Started

Simplifying and speeding up negotiations

The Self Resolve tool provides you with automated updates and a dashboard to keep everything in one place. You are in control of your documents, offers, and agreements.

Start Your Matter

Heads of Terms drafted automatically

When you have agreed your terms, we will automatically send you a copy of your Heads of Terms for you to sign. We'll store this on your dashboard and you can ask one of our professional team to draft this into a legal document if needed.

Get Started

Professional support when you need it

Our professionals are here to help you negotiate, understand your legal position, and make decisions, if you need help with this.

We have a global network of neutral and decision-making professionals, advisors, and support personnel.

If you get stuck and cannot agree the terms yourself, simply request help and our team will explore your needs and find the right professional to help you.

Start Your Matter

Supporting Consumers, Ombudsman and ADR Services

The Solution for Ombudsmen

Complaints against Ombuds members:

Consumers can use the tool to start their claim and follow the official process to satisfy Ombuds requirements. Member organisations can use the tool to manage the complaint to conclusion and provide access to the Ombudsman for review and a decision to be made. This makes the job of the adjudicator quicker because all the referenceable documents are in one place.

Complaints outside the jurisdiction of the Ombuds service

Many complaints cannot be dealt with by the Ombuds service because they fall outside of their official remit. This should not mean that the consumer or business has no route to resolution other than litigation. The Self-Resolve tool provides users with a facility to negotiate their own outcomes and attain a decision where the Ombuds service cannot be directly involved.

The Dispute Resolution Agency provides access to many practitioners and Ombuds personnel can re-direct complainants to other services easily using the platform and reduce the number of unresolved matters. 

The Solution

for Members

A complaint management solution for Ombuds members

The self-resolve platform automates the negotiation process and provides a space to store documentation, and keeps the parties updated as to progress. Where an agreement is reached, the platform will produce Heads of Terms for signature and email a copy to each participant.

Where members do not have the resource or infrastructure to handle complaints, this platform is the solution to make complaint management quick and simple.

Ombuds members can use the platform independently of Ombuds service providers or in conjunction with them. It can be used for ad-hoc matters or as the platform of choice for their complaint handling needs. It is, therefore, ideal for businesses of any size and budget.

Professional support always on-hand

The DRA is founded on a global community of professionals. Users of the Self-Resolve tool can access shortlisted practitioners to provide support to achieve resolution. Our DRA team is here to help identify options and will allocate matters according to need (neutral support, legal and advocacy, or decision-making services). Every eventuality is catered for, and our holistic approach provides users with comfort that their matter will be resolved with us. 

It's also perfect for Claims Handlers and Dispute Management Professionals

Our platform is perfect for professionals who manage multiple matters for clients. If you are a practitioner supporting clients, talk to us about an enterprise option to provide a solution that's tailored to you and your needs.

Call us on 03300 431 757 or email and we will explore your needs.

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