To provide access to resolution of conflict and disputes to individuals and business who otherwise would be barred from such services owing to financial hardship.
The project is comprised of both an assessment and the facilitation of resolution services including conflict coaching, mediation, and arbitration.
This service is open to UK matters in civil, commercial, community, and workplace sectors. We are not currently accepting applications for family matters (divorce and separation) owing to the funded voucher scheme available from participating practitioners.
The service is provided by appropriately qualified volunteers and managed by The Dispute Resolution Agency. It will be conducted remotely where possible, and in-person meetings will be by approval and on a case-by-case basis.
We work with referral partners to ensure that the right parties are put forward to make use of the service.
Each applicant will first attend a Resolution Pathway session which will determine if we can help, and which method to use. Where we cannot help, we will signpost the applicant to a third-party service. For applicants who we can help, we will provide the service on a reduced fee basis or without charge to the successful applicant.
The service is open to all individuals and businesses who can demonstrate at least one of the following criteria:
At least one applicant does not have access to the relevant funds to pay for resolution services.
We will require evidence to support your application as follows:
Successful applicants will receive up to 100% reduction in the fees for our dispute resolution services. There are three possible outcomes:
Please note that where travel expenses are incurred by your professional, these costs need to be shared equally and are exempt from the fee reduction. We will confirm with you if travel expenses apply to your matter.
Each application will be assessed on its own merit and each party must apply separately.
Applicants must be referred from one of our Referral Partners.
Attend your resolution session with one of our professionals. They will talk you through your options. Once it has been established that you need some assistance, we will invite you to submit evidence for us to review.
We'll review your evidence and make a decision about eligibility for a fee reduction. Once this has been provided it is final.
We will deliver the service to you and support you to achieve a resolution to your conflict or dispute.